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Kantor said:
Kantor said:
Dioxinis said:

Personally i believe in a creator but i also believe in science

The scientific evidence is strong but at the same time Chance and the complexity of the universe dictates the possibilities to be so minute that there HAD to be a guiding force.


natural selection is great in some ways but at some point it dosnt make sense. there are MICRO organisms LET alone Humans or Animals that have parts so complex that its impossible for NATURAL selection to have created it ... the parts by themselves would have been useless and would have been selected OUT rather then kept until it became useful. in this particular instance i am thinking of an organism that has a tail that works as a motor to push it along but it needs EVERY part to work and if just one part is missing the whole thing is worthless therefor natural selection would have simply removed those parts rather then them getting more and more till it worked.


people need to learn that science and god really go hand in hand rather than ONLY one or the other is truth

I actually agree with that definition of God- a guiding force in the Universe. But I don't think we can really personify it, because it's not human. It shouldn't be worshipped, any more than gravity or electromagnetism.

That's just my view.


Im actually interested to hear an evolution based explanation of the point Dioxinis initially made. It seems to be a good point to me; I can understand how if an organism had, for example, eyes, it would give it a survival advantage... natural selection etc. But that would never mutate all at once, one single part of it would have to mutate, and that single part would have to give it a survival advantage. I dont really see this happening. This logic can be applied to any body part, really. Just about all of them need all of their parts to work.

The complexity of life is incomprehensible. Every time we think we've gotten to the fundamentals of matter or living organisms or whatever it may be, it turns out that they themselves are full of unbelievable complexity. in my opinion, to believe that it all made itself takes as much faith as believing in a creator.

The concept of life being created by chance in the first place is unbelievable. A life form capable of reproduction must have been created at one time, otherwise the life would have just died out. This sort of complexity being created by chance all at once? It just isn't possilble.

I personally think that most creationists are not at all clueless, and it is fairly unfair to label them all like that. I would argue that the majority (read: NOT ALL) of the people who come out and say that creationists are stupid and know no science actually know very little about science themselves. I have a subscription to creation magazine and there is definately solid science in it. They dont make up stuff - they reference every claim so the reader can research it on their own accord.

I think when it comes to the origin of the universe, no matter what it is, it comes down to faith. No matter what scenario you come up with it doesn't seem to make logical sense. A creator God? Who made him? Big bang? what caused the big bang? what made the stuff that caused the big bang? You can't tell that it came from nothing and expect me to take you seriously cos science says everything comes from something.






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Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)