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There's hard core and hrad core, CoD6 is HC if we look at its sales pattern (huge launch but short legs). I can see if a game is HC by browsing GameSpot's users' ratings count (gaming sites are read/used by HC not casuals) and dividing by VGC sales data : Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wi Sports Resort, Wii Fit Plus, etc. are very casual : few ratings/sales. Mario Kart, NSMB, MG, Zelda TP, SSBM, MP3 are HC.


Anyway, to me CoD6 or other games that are "cool" because it is trendy are not more hard core than others, that's just fashion like for GTA, but even if almost everybody plays CoD6 that's doesn't mean it is more HC than Mega Man.