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i am going to predict 1.8 million LTD the reason being , I think Word of mouth is going to help with the sales of MNR over time. Much like it has with other New IP's that Sony has released this generation.

Consider that by the look's of it it's going to have a second MNR created most likely due to the Game also being on the PSP.

The MNR i think is a franchise that Sony is going to Push to establish it as part of their

Play , Create , Share

stable of Game's that Sony offer in that Genre.

Sony created that Genre for the Playstation 3 to set it apart from the rest of the game console's this generation, and it seem's to be doing just that, there are other system's that have their own type of game's in this Genre no doubt, but it seem's to me with what I have seen Sony is the only one it seem's that are pushing strong in this type of Genre of game's this generation.



Joe Danger

here is a great article on this Genre:

The Play, Create, Share Revolution

by on May 26, 2010


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.