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I keep reading from everyone about the lack of weapons. I don't understand there are plenty of options:

straight missle
homing missles
hydra missles
straight shot bolt attack
homing bolt attack that can get multiple enemies
bolt storm that gets the entire pack
sonic shock wave that gets enemies next to you
sonic shock wave that shoots multiple mines in front of you
big sonic wave
3 levels of turbo power up. The teleport level 3 you can actually teleport with someone if you're close enough to be riding through his rings when he teleports.

On top of that you can use all the items secondary weapons to drop items behind you to slow enemies down. The turbo one leaves a water puddle that slows racers down. Others are usually some sort of mine that changes its radius based on the level of weapon you had.

You can also side swipe which to me is the most fun weapon to use in the game. Shield yourself, and on certain tracks you can use the R1 to shock robots to change their behavior, open a new shortcut, or ride over devastator buttons to activate crushers, exploding barrels, wall barriers to stop racers, etc.

To me there are more options to alter the race than any other kart game.