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Favorite is easily PS2 era (>SNES > PS1 > DC)

We started getting completely awesome JRPG localizations (they were still a bit scarce in the PS1 era). Things like Atelier series, Ar Tonelico Series, Shadow Hearts Series, SMT: Nocturne, SMT: Digital Devil Saga, Skies of Arcadia, Tales of the everything + Many Many More.

I cannot count Suikoden and FF in here tho (first Suikoden 3 is my favorite game period and FF 7-9 > FF X-XII as far as Im concerened).

Also Persona 3/FES + 4 > 1 and 2 from the PS1.

Tho the PS1 did have Parasite Eve(So excited for info on the new one!) and Chrono Cross, I still have to give it OVERALL to the PS2.