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Frieza said:
"Or... Maybe the game is actually EXTREMEMLY GOOD?? Did you ever think of that?"

No i didnt because it isnt extremely good, Metal Gear solid games, the GTAs on PS2, FF7 are extremely good, Galaxy 2 isnt. Its alright i played it its just ok, a little kiddy but it was fun for an hour.

"If you think Super Mario Galaxy is a re-skinned version of Super Mario 64, you are just as wrong as he is."

Swap 64 for Galaxy 1 and im right.

Fair enough, I'm not going to sit here and scream "you're wrong!" like an 8 year old, becuase that would be an argument that could never be won. I personally think FF7 is boring, MGS doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, and GTA games, although fun, are highly overrated.. But that's just my opinion. I just love the style for Galaxy 2. Every star is a new adventure with new features in the game, and it never gets old to me.

To ME, the game truly is a 10, or at least very close to it.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one :/

What I DO need to call you out on, is that Mario 64 is just like Galaxy. You obviously haven't played one or both of those titles if you truely think that. This is not an opinion, this is just WRONG. It shares a few similarities, sure, like that they're both 3D Mario games, and both involve collecting stars. But that's pretty much where the similarities end.