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natureman3 said:


MS is too hardcore branded to fight with the wii on casual. it's a lost battle.

Only Sony can take down the wii.


Only the PS2 can take down the Wii - what happened to those motion controlled games anyway? Did they ever get released?

I have to wonder if Sony has something up their sleeves next year - a new control system, or something like that.


I personally wouldn't complain if Ninty released a souped-up Wii NOW - something that could run PS3/360 software (natively), yet operate with a Wiimote.

Playing RE5 in high-definition - with a Wiimote... Mmmmm... (I doubt there would be many people on this site that would complain about that!).


As a side note - if Ninty DID release a pricey "Wii II" - basically in line with PS3/360 specs - would any of the PS3 fans / Wii-haters switch over to it? Or is it more a philosophical dislike, than a practical one? Or do you just hate the Wiimote?

(aimed at no one in particular - just thinking aloud... )

It might seen crazy, but Ninty potentially COULD release a Wii II NOW - solve some of their manufacturing issues, as it would have a much higher margin - and need less units sold. They couldn't afford to develop software for it though - they would need 3rd-party devs to do that (i.e. X-platform titles). 

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