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Carl2291 said:
dobby985 said:

SE wants to go multiplatform and be a proper 3rd party publisher instead of being Sony's second party. Especially now that they have a lot more franchises after acquiring Eidos.

If they want a fanbase on the Xbox 360 then they have to keep delivering the games.

As for the who "taking advantage of the PS3's hardware". The PS3 and the 360 are virtually the same hardware-wise. You need to learn about specs before you start talking about stuff like that.

Recent games relased have IMO at least, proven that the PS3 is beyond the 360 graphics-wise. You just need to look at the likes of Killzone, Uncharted and God of War 3. Then compare them to Mass Effect, Alan Wake... Even FFXIII on the 2 consoles.

And you need to remember, the Blu-ray drive is also part of that hardware

If we see the first 2 Blu-ray game come out of Versus XIII... Using up to 6 DVD's for a game could be seen as way too much.

I don't buy this whole "filling a Blu-Ray disk" thing. The only reason games have filled a Blu-Ray is because of the large amount of cutscenes (MGS4).

The only reason FF takes up this much space is because of the exact same reason. And guess what? They can be higher res on the PS3 like they did with FFXIII, problem solved.

Games developers do not yet have the resources to create an actual game that would fill an entire 50GB Blu-Ray disk. Just-Cause 2 and WoW are not 50GB in size but they have both have worlds that dwarf the size of FFXIII.