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dobby985 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Xen said:
darthdevidem01 said:

The final creative decision will be Nomura;s hands, thats my assumption. Nomura has stated when XIII went multiplat that he didn't like it going multiplat.

If the final decision is in Nomura's hands the game most probably won't go multiplat, IF the final decision is in Wada's hands it probably will go multiplat

Also 1 or 2 years ago Nomura said that he told one of his team members they are focussing on taking the full specs out of PS3, so you also have to consider that it might be too late to port it to xbox 360.


That was in the context of it being delayed BECAUSE it was going to 360

Your pulling at straws to try to create a argument here, go bait someone else.

Wada has the final say. He's the CEO, after all. If Nomura refuses to work on it, he'll just get put off project/altogether fired. That, of course, will be awful. He's the whole drive behind this game.

Fired lol

I think nomura must have some kind of influence there though.


Then why do the technically best PS3 games outshine the technically best Xbox 360 games? 

Clearly the hardware isn't equal, this has been proven many many times now, no-one is saying PS3 is MUCH more powerful than 360

But I want to see how far Square can push the PS3, because their high budget games on all other systems really showcase close to the full power of the said system (be it FF7:CC, FF4 DS, Chaos Rings on iphone or even older titles on PS2/PS1/SNES (FF6) ))


Do they really? Or is this completely subjective? Anyway, wait until Gears 3 comes out.

SE are trying to break into the western market with their newly acquired franchises. They have a new Kane & Lynch, new Deus Ex and a new Tomb Raider. All these games are going to be multiplatform not PS3 exclusives. FF has proven to sell on the 360 and I don't see SE burning the 360 owners who bought their game by not giving them the next one.


Wasn't Final Fantasy XI released in the original Xbox while Final Fantasy XII was only released on the PlayStation 2? It would be the same case, just in a different gen :P (or that's what I think, I might be wrong)

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P