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Jdevil3 said:

Lol, why does everyone seem to hate Square-Enix? xD

The reason why the game might not be on E3 could be the one Darthdevidem01 mentioned in the article he copy-pasted :P

We still don't know if the game is going to be delayed for an Xbox 360 release, nobody said it would... we don't even know if the game is going to be released on that platform :P

Hashimoto said a long time ago that Final Fantasy Versus XIII is going to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive game. Take a look at this interview (I'm going to post  the link to the original interview in Japanese, and then a translation I've found in the Internet :P)


At Microsoft's presentation?the crowd got more excited the instant that the Xbox360 version of FFXIII was announced than they did for any other title. How did you react after finishing the presentation?

Hashimoto: Among the titles with that kind of notoriety, FFXIII received the greatest cheers, so I felt a truly great response.

Kitase: We weren't able to show any new images so I was a little nervous before the presentation, but I was relieved at everyone's reaction.

This is a basic confirmation, but your presentation this time was aimed at the U.S. and European market, so you decided to sell FFXIII not just on the Playstation, but on the 360 as well, right?

Hashimoto: Precisely.

Are you really not going to sell the 360 version in Japan?

Hashimoto: We have no intention to do so whatsoever.

In that case, why not sell a 360 version of FFXIII Versus? Also, have there been any changes in the direction of the development of Agito XIII, or any other points of change?

Hashimoto: None at all. There has been no change to the plan, and we will release Versus XIII only on the PS3. I think it would be best to think of them separately. There has been no change to our plan for Agito XIII, either. As far as Versus XIII goes, Director Tetsuya Nomura is investing all of his energy into its development, and it will still be a PS3 exclusive.

I'd like to hear once more the reasoning and story behind coming to sell the PS3 and 360 versions of FFXIII only in the U.S. and Europe.

Hashimoto: Well, it's a fact that the American market, or the market of English-speaking countries has grown vastly, and we receive such strong solicitation from the users in those regions. I don't think we can ignore that. Thus, our presentation.

Kitase: After looking at these conditions, I consulted with Director Motomu Toriyama, and ultimately I made the decision.

Is there any difference in the respective content of the PS3 and 360 versions? I mean, I know that the 360 has its "Achievements" system, but...

Kitase: There may be some slight differences when it comes to such a small level as "Achievements," but no real difference in form. There is no advantage nor disadvantage to either version.

In the past, the FF series had also developed "International Versions." There wouldn't be any chance of the 360 version being sold in Japan in such a form, would there? How does that sound?

Hashimoto: You're rather hasty. *laughs* FFXIII itself isn't complete yet. There's such plan at all.

How is the release schedule?

Hashimoto: First, we'll release the PS3 version in Japan. Then we'll release the PS3 and 360 versions simultaneously in the U.S., followed shortly after by the release of the PS3 and 360 versions in Europe. However, we would like to make the timespan between the Japanese release and the U.S.-European release as short as possible.

Kitase: Rather than porting to the 360, I'd like to purely translate and localize the Japanese version and advance operations faster than they have been up to this point. It's undecided how many languages we will support, but the FF has always used English, Italian, Spanish, French, and German, so I think of that as standard.

The media format on the PS3 and 360 is fundamentally different. The data capacity varies greatly, so is it possible that the number of discs will vary between versions, or that one version's graphical quality will suffer?

Kitase: Really, nothing is set at all yet, but we will probably take a direction that allows for change in the number of discs. We intend to allow as little difference as possible in terms of graphical quality and other aspects of the game content.

So do you picture releasing the game in Japan, North America, and Europe in the same fiscal year?

Hashimoto: As far as release dates are concerned, that's something we'll start discussing once we've completed FFXIII on the PS3.

Kitase: Above all, completing the Japanese version on the PS3 as fast as possible is our first priority. After that we'll be porting and localizing the game, so, in truth, we don't actually have a release date for North America and Europe yet. We've really only just started work on the 360 version, so it's hard to gauge the development at the moment.

This presentation was truly aimed at your U.S.-European fans, wasn't it?

Hashimoto: I suppose it was. All the more reason that we presented it at E3.

Would you say that next month's ”DKS3713” is aimed at your Japanese fans?

Kitase: I can't say anything at the moment, but I hope you will all look forward to it. *laughs*

Translation Source:



Yes! I have finally been able to edit that stupid wall of text into something "readable". Lol xD

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P