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darth, while playing the "unbiased" card, you go too far over the line.

It IS a problem if it comes out on 360.
For FF13, we KNOW that stuff was cut out. We KNOW that there was a year's delay. We KNOW that it has only sold a fraction of the ps3 version. We KNOW that exclusivity builds more hype, thereby negating the need for excessive advertising. We KNOW that exclusives sell consoles, and if people on the 360 SOMEHOW got addicted to the FF franchise through FF13, they will buy the console that has the next one as an exclusive. We KNOW that there are fanboys who've refused to buy ff13 because of the move to 360 from a console war standpoint. We KNOW that there are gamers who refuse to buy the game because they think it's gimped. We KNOW that there is a ps3 price drop coming up because Sony predicted a 25% increase for the FY, and they are profitable now which in past has resulted in a price drop.

Praising the benefits over the negatives, or vice-versa, is not a good position for argument because we still don't know the whole story. We don't know how much the extra marketing was, we don't know the cost of porting the game, and we don't even know how much was cut out. We can only guess.
At this point, fanboy argumentation is the only valuable line of reasoning, because as we saw both here and elsewhere, these decisions are costing sales.

Carl, I don't mean to call you a fanboy, I only mean to supplant the description being thrown at you and lend credit to the espoused.