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Xxain said:
Jdevil3 said:
I really didn't want this to turn into one of those Final Fantasy hate threads :S

And why does everyone think delay=Xbox 360 version in the works? :P

The game hasn't even been announced for that platform, lol. It says it's for PlayStation 3 on Final Fantasy Versus XIII's official site :P

Versus Xlll will going to 360 thatsinevitable. Its a question of when and how will it effect the development cycle.

dude stp seying this, versus wnt go to xbox 360, dnt ruin it. i wnt this to be th best game evr, if it goes multiplat the creatve vision nomura has wnt be relized becaus he will only have 3 dvd discs to make the max of game on. i dnt car about morals, i dnt wnt game to go to xbox becaus I wnt versus to hve grfx like gow3 & unchrted 2, becaus its an action RPG it needs to hve this advantage ovr competition. If it goes multiplat ppl wnt care about it jst, it will be jst anothr game.