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Is the PlayStation3 doomed?

Thats a tough one, if Sony continues to pursue its current goals then yes the PlayStation3 will be doomed but I have no doubt that the worlds largest monopoly isn't the dumbest company on the block. Through restructuring and a new marketing campain I think Sony could turn it around!

What would need to happen to turn PS3 around.

1. Sony needs to take a bullet for the PlayStation cut its price and suck up the losses!

2.Sony needs to assist more smaller third parties financialy!

3.Sony needs to invest millions upon millions into expanding its internal first party operations!

4.Sony needs to abandon its current drive for digital distribution and focus more on BluRay!

5.Sony needs to fire a large amount of its marketing team and R&D unit (Who ever thought people would buy such an expensive machine based on the brand name alone!)

6. Sony needs to divert developement from PSP to PS3 to allow for more in-house developement!

7. Sony needs to launch a massive fall ad campain to promote the new low price PS3!

8.Sony needs to prepare shareholders for a bumpy ride (give a ten year plan)

9.Sony needs to re-invest in the Japanese market where they are loosing grip fast!

10. Sony could really use some help in Europe an aquisition of a prominant European Developer would help.


In the end what are my suggestions, simple with the high developement and publishing costs developers are being driven further and further away. To hit the target demographic Sony needs to cut its hardware prices and recapture what made the PlayStation a success in the first place "A huge catalog of games". Since third parties aren't likely to remain on board to much longer internal developement is the way to go. Sony will have to try to be Nintendo rely heavily on first party software and create numerous origional IP's. Also Sony calling BluRay obsolete isn't the brightest idea and they need to return focus to disk based distribution rather then calling BluRay a thing of the past. Lastly Sony needs to pitch the PS3 as a multigeneration platform that will continue through 2011 to 2016. That way shareholders will look further into the future to see where the PS3 could be headed.

The trick is not to judge PS3 in the short term. In the short term its a disaster a pile of high definition crap. however if you look at it as an investment (this consoles not going to be replaced for ten years) people may be more willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for a console with no games. Also I have no doubt that if Sony restructured its internal studios it could create enough first party titles to make up for the ever growing lack of third party support.

Of course if the PS3 ends in 2011 like Wii and 360 will then yes it will likely be a huge failure. Now of course its already a huge failure, massive profit losses on each unit poor sales figures across the globe and honestly not that many great games. So if Sony restructures and shifts focus to internal developement and fires those morons who suggested a 1080p console with 60-gig internal hard drive a 1,000$ disk format and claimed that consumers would buy it because it was Sony! Then theirs still a chance!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer