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I think people need to take into the calculation some basic environment setups. The current prices in Europe was made for a exchange rate of1€ = 1.25 $. The dollar has fallen, and the reasons for that will continue exists. So the next prices will be done for 1€ = 1.40$ or higher. So if there will be price drops, Europe will get the bigger ones. Just an example for the Wii:

249$ = 177.85€ Now calculate in VAT and higher price (20-25%): 216.98.€
399$ = 285 € --> 347.7 € at retailers. (349€ for a PS3, nice :o))

Same goes for MS. So the prices should drop faster in Europe, Australia, Japan than in the US. And if gaming gets cheaper, more people will buy in.

(All of the hardware should be produced in China. Since the Chinese currency is more or less bundled to the $, you can effectively do as if it is produced in the US in matter of exchange rate).

In simpler words: Others will get more important than now in matter of consoles and games sold . And that fact is in Sony's and Nintendo's favor, since the MS is struggling outside the U.S and CA.