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PSP - Has got some REALLY bad Software sales. After GOW:CoO, FFVII etç devs will abandon it like they did with the Gamecube (that means u mostly get EA, Ubisoft, Activision stuff with some nice games in between + the Sony games).

DS - A little slower than 2007 but still easily the biggest (hmmm... Or will it be Wii?).. Nintendo about DS: 'Keep printin' money B*atch!

PS3 - Will have a better year this time than 2007. 2007 actually wasn't that bad. Some nice games coming out, will still do fine but won't meet the sales the PS3 fans have been waiting for (a.k.a struggle to get a million).

Wii - Super smash bros is gonna be big. Will outsell the Cube version, eventually. WiiFit will sell out during its first 2-3 months and in the holiday season. So will the Wii (at some point in the Spring-Summer it will be available, Christmas 08 is same as this one but with bigger stock). Mario Kart will (aah, look at SSB:B) = outsell Cubeversion = bigger than 6 million.

Super Mario Galaxy and M&S have legs throughout the year. RE:UC will reach 1.2-1.4 mil and then stop selling. RE:4 will continue it's spree and will eventually outsell the Cube and PS2 version.

GH3 will be a 2 million seller on the Wii, eventually.

Red Steel 2 will be released (with online)

New Wii IP by Nintendo. (Maybe Retro).

Nintendo Wii will have 33 million sold by end of 2008.

Nintendo DS will be at 80 mil.

Massive Wii support (More GOOD Wii 3th party games).


X360: Same as last year, still some nice exclusives left! PS3 = X360 or PS3 is a little bigger then X360 in 2008.