Heres my prophecy..
The Wii shall for the most part dominate the console of 2008. However, in November of 2008 a 28 year year old who lives with his parents will bring forth a possible jugdement day when he puts “Super Smash Brother Brawl” in his Wii (that just sounds wrong) “Halo 4 Combat Re re evolved” in his 360 and Killzone 2 in his PS3. By doing so the Holy Trinity is complete and a light will shine to the heavens and Jesus Christ will come down. The light will also penetrate the earth and Satan will emerge. They’ll battle for everyones soul on “Guitar Hero 4: Slightly less Rockers then the previous Rockers” However the battle will be postpond due to even more glitches and bugs then previous Guitar Hero games. Including one on the Wii that causes the notes to appear in brail.
In the end Jesus and Satan get mad and head back to their proper positions and wait until “Guitar Hero 5: We swear we fixed all the bugs” is released to settle the feud.