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Brave? Maybe. I will preface this by saying that I own a Wii and I do not own a 360 or a PS3. I believe that the Wii will continue to be the best-selling system. However, I dont know how long it will be able to be a complete sell-out. Honestly, I dont think we have ever seen a system sell-out for this long, so we are in very hard to predict territory here. I have to believe that the instant sell-out status has to stop at some point. I also believe that the sales of Brawl and Mario Kart will support the Wii once some of the system's holiday hype dies down. So, the system will sell very well, but will cease to be an instant sell-out (in theory). However, the release dates of FF:CC and Monster Hunter 3 are major Japanese wildcards here and could have a major impact on worldwide sales.
What killer exclusive titles does 360 have? I don't mean that in a sarcastic way, I am really curious.