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HideoK said:
Splitting my time between UFC Undisputed 2010 & Red Dead Redemption. Also have to finish Borderlands.

Its looking like my 28 game 100% completion streak will come to end with UFC. The online in UFC is so broken right now, its so painful to even get into a match and I have to win 100 online ranked matches. Disconnects and matches no longer available. Well if they patch that and fix the lag then its doable over time... but another trophy that bugs me the most is submitting a computer opponent on Expert in less than 60 seconds. It takes much longer than that to work their stamina down for submission and the computer isn't going to gass itself on Expert. A bunch of the UFC trophies are going to be annoying.

Well I'm putting UFC down for a while until a patch for the online comes out and I'm going to play a lot of Red Dead this weekend. Only played the first 2 objectives so far. Can't wait to get into the story more

Marcio how many hours do you think it will take to get Red Dead platinum?

Well, I am 25 hours in and I have done 40 of the 56 (I think) missions of the game. I have however done a lot of sidequests and challenges.

So I think another 5-7 hours I beat the history. Finishing challenges, stranger quests, mini-games and doing the "odd" trophies (odd trophies are like getting a 5000 bounty and using a pardon letter to end it - specific stuff you cant just do as you play) should bring to a total of 35-40 hours.

Maybe more, but thats because I have been really taking my time in the game to do everything.

Also, this doesnt count the time for multiplayer trophies.

Some are hard unless you boost (like winning 3 Free-For-All matches in a row or winning 4 Gang Matches in a row). I boosted for those.

And there is the time-consuming one, to reach lvl 50 on MP. The best place to earn Xp is play Hideouts on Free Roam. Adding that, MP also has a few "odd" trophies.

So adding singleplayer and MP it should be 60-70 hours easy, I think. Depends on boosting, how good you are, etc.

I suggest you play the game with Expert Aim (default is Normal). It gives you no auto-aim at all. Since you have Dead Eye, it will be easy.

PS - Actually, I have one "complaint" (though not that big). The game is really easy, even with Expert Aim. Now, I have so many items to heal and so many items to refill the Dead Eye that it gets ridiculous.

Honestly, I have been trying to play missions without using items to add a bit to the difficulty. Yet, its still really easy.

I wish Rockstar had really done an expert mode.

PS2 - 2000 trophies!!! Yay!