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Alright now I left out first person shooter because lets face it Halo owns that genre so theirs no real need for Microsoft to support that Genre with another title. I also left out third person shooter as Gears owns that genre pretty much and their are plenty of IP's set in that genre availible for the 360.

But I was recently thinking to myself, if the rumours of a new Microsoft IP are true then which genre would I most like to see supported. Quickly idea's popped into my head and I began to wonder what other fans would want to see.

Myself I was sort of let down by Blinx when it failed to really take on the platforming genre and I think Microsoft lacks a solid platformer. I would love to see a new Microsoft platformer launch to take on Mario it seems that Microsoft has left platforming to Sony and Nintendo. Then what about RPG sure Microsoft tried with BlueDragon and were semi successful but what about a more mainstream RPG? Or how about a new fitness game taking advantage of Natal?

In the end their are plenty of genres that Microsoft isn't currently taking advantage of, which genre would you like this new IP to be?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer