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Alright I'm not sure about you but I have noticed over the last generation that Nintendo has been closing out their investments in the west at an alarming rate.

It all started when Microsoft took over Rare, Nintendo had no choice but to sell their remaining shares and loose stake in the company. This was the start of Nintendo's free fall. Since Rare Nintendo has cut investments in other prominent studios like SiliconKnights and LeftField Productions. In total Nintendo has cut or lost three or four development studios in the west.

At the moment I only know of one Nintendo studio and that is Retro. Nintendo Canada has not a single developer despite being located right by Vancouver arguably the gaming capital of the world. With so many promising studios in Canada the US and even in the UK why hasn't Nintendo invested more in the West?

Should Nintendo start investing heavier in North America? How about europe I mean Kuju worked closely with Nintendo on BattalionWars why not aquire them?



"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer