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TheBigFatJ said:

All of these, except perhaps Final Fantasy, were touted by most of the Sony faithful as why the PS3 would be great in 2007.  What makes you think 2008 will be so different.  I'd say it's generally accepted that Final Fantasy isn't a 2008 title.

I'm hoping to get a PS3 in 2008 myself.  The things stopping me right now are:

(1) No PS2 BC on the $400 model. 

(2) $400 is a pretty high price -- the system needs more games that I really want before I'll pay that much (it has 2 or 3 now).

(3) There are tons of good DS and Wii games that I are keeping me very busy.  This makes it harder to justify buying a PS3 in my own mind. 

I'm particularly interested in seeing how the big well-known exclusive franchises do on the PS3.   R&C did terrible, but it didn't bomb as badly as Uncharted.  It seems like the more well known ones will do better.  How much better?  Will MGS 4 break a million units world wide in its launch week?

Final Fantasy in 2007? There were a few games from later this year that I thought most certainly would have crossed that 1 million mark by now, but yet, here we are.

While Ratchet and Clank may have faltered, it most certainly isn't that kind of PS3 game that would get mass worldwide cross appeal like the Gran Turismo or MGS series (There is no way MGS4 will only sell about 7-8k in Japan on it's launch day). Like I started that post, "if", if all those games do come out in 2008, then I have no reason to believe as to why Sony won't be capable of moving more hardware. A few of those games on that list could also move a few hardware here and there.

Also, something I forgot to mention, HOME and the Dualshock 3 (Yes, not a game, and it has been already been released in Japan) come out in '08.

Even with lack of backwards compatibility, the PS3 is selling, you can't deny that, and I don't see any reason as to why it should end sales of PS3s as a result.