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I reiterate: there is nothing "professional" about insulting your competition. It's considered quite juvenile, actually, particularly when it comes to matters of debate. When you insult your competition, you draw attention to them and generate a negative association with your own company more often than with whomever you're antagonizing. It's actually rather insulting to treat consumers like they can't see the difference between your product and the competitor's; if the difference is going to matter to them, they'll see it just fine and don't need an ad to tell them it's there (and certainly not in such condescending tones).

The best technique (the technique which Nintendo seems fond of) is to essentially ignore your competition by default and focus on what you do best without wasting time with comparison. If what you have to offer is genuinely what the consumer wants, they will appreciate the fact that you're not trying to make them hate something else in order to enjoy what you have to offer.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.