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A 7 atoms Transistor that is 4nm across was made by Australian researchers making it the world's smallest transistor, just image the processing power we will have in a couple of years. Think about it, a 22nm device could be 5 times smaller or have 5 times que computational power, this would mean that if we could see a slim version of the ps3 ( the lastest at 40nm or so)with this technology it would be much smaller than the wii, and a wii could be the size of a DS.

We could be seen consoles the size of the iphone with the rendering power of the current HD consoles in the next 10 -15 years or consoles  that could finally render pixal quallity graphics in real time. 0_0

How are you hoping the future consoles to be like?



Edit: i forgot i was on the PC section, please reaplce consoles with device/gadget/technology device

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!