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HappySqurriel said:
Stats87 said:
I think the key for Sony will be a game like LBP. We all know that GT5, MGS4 and FFXIII will come out and sell like hotcakes. But if LBP can come in and draw a whole new crowd of buyers while keeping the attention of the Sony faithful, it could be massive seller. It's visual style makes it attractive for all ages, while its apparent depth and gameplay should keep the hardcore crowd happy. I am very intrigued as to how this game will do.

I am also interested in how KZ2 will do, whether it is all bark or if actually does have the bite to go with it.

Nintendo will roll through 2008, with Mario Kart and SSB:Brawl leading the way. I think in 2009 we could see Wii sales take a bit of a dive, but that is merely speculation.

The 360 is interesting. It still has some top notch potential games coming out, but most of its well known flagship games are out. There is still GoW2 though. I see the PS3 outselling the 360 Worldwide in 2008. I think they will get big advantage in Europe and even more massive lead in Japan. I think they'll definitely narrow the weekly gap in USA, especially when GT5 comes out. The release of the first GT game for the past two generations of gaming were the point where the PSX/PS2 hit a massive sales boom. I expect the same with GT5 and the PS3.

For the most part the "whole new crowd of buyers" that people want games like Little Big Planet to draw in do not buy a system for $400 or even $300, and the only reason they would ever consider buying a Wii at $200 or $250 is because it comes with a game they are highly interested in.

 I realize that, that is why I am wondering if it can, not saying that it will. I think it will have an effect on that crowd, but it will be modest. Only time will tell. It also depends on how/how well Sony markets the game.

But who knows, moms and women everywhere may find those little guys too cute to pass up...