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Wii --

Will maintain sales and level off with their current unprecedented levels. Will see a remarkable rise in software sales and total number of titles, including quite a few new names and long establish 3rd party IP's. Haters will say, damn. 37-41m by years end.

360 --

Will maintain overall yearly sales due to some new big hits like GTA4. Will see some continued big name shooters and try really hard to gain a better foothold in Japan. Will start to see a much higher percentage of shared titles with Wii. 21-25m by years end.

PS3 --

Will see a higher average sales per month than 2007 and it finally has a decent library of games and a much more digestible price tag. It will gain a lot of market share as compared to the 360 due to primarily to Japan and secondly Europe, where it will have its biggest sales difference compared to 2007. It will still trail behind the Wii in average monthly sales and due to its lackluster first year will see a loss in software titles to Wii/360. GTA4 will sale higher on 360 and PS3 will NOT catch the 360 in WW sales in 2008. 17-21m by years end.

I don't really care about hand helds. But, I see the PSP starting to level off and sell less in 2008 than 2007. The DS will remain untouched and keep on par with 2007 sales.