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I see the real problem being that BP doesn't have a major impedus to actually clean up the problem.

Their limit of liability to this disaster is pennies for what the true cost of the disaster is. I believe the cap is somewhere around $75 million (that's with an M) when the true cost may be a trillion (with a T) USD.

What should of been done, prior to this disaster, is remove the liability cap to ensure that these major oil companies know what they are getting into. With no cap outside of the danger of the well, BP would of taken stronger voluntary measures to ensure that this never happened, or if it did happen, cleanup with be expedient with minimal liability to pay out to dead loved ones, or businessmen effected by the oil.

Its really a catch 22 due to current government standards. If you regulate too much, we'll never ever get off of Saudi oil (which has less standards, AFAIK), but if you have too low liabilities, the company won't take up proper safety measures.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.