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mike_intellivision said:
Unfortunately, eventually all these services are going to require pay-to-play.

If that happens though, one would hope the servers would remain up. There is nothing worse than charging for access to something that does not exist.

Mike from Morgantown

Do you mean in the form of EA shutting down servers or like the original Xbox games' matchmaking servers?

If the developer is providing the servers (like EA), there is no guarantee.  If they use the standard matchmaking servers they should last as long as they are relevant.  Halo 2 matchmaking was available for over 4 years after the next generation started which seems very good in my opinion.  The only reason it was shut down was because of incompatibilities with the newer XBL system and games.  If XBL is not too drastically changed from this generation to the next the matchmaking servers for games like CoD, Gears of War, Halo 3, etc could stay on much longer.