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Final-Fan said:
Kasz216 said:
I've already shown in this thread Rausserman is the most accurate source when you compare real data despite them skewing right when you compare surveys.  In otherwords... polling skews towards a liberal perspective.  By comparing multiple sources, you end up with a liberal viewpoint.

I've heard that Rasmussen skewed right all through election season, but when the big night drew nigh it came more in line with the others -- that being the point at which you are judging them and they were closest.  Not true? 

Not to my knowledge... though even if it was true it's irrelevent.  They didn't change their polling questions at all and peoples opinions do change over the course of an election... espiecally that election where McCain went off the rails.

Meaning if there was any fraud it would have to be through direct data manipulation... and that would be EAISLY findable.

17 polls overestimated Obama and 4 McCain.  It's clear most polls slant left.


Edit: Actually seems to show the opposite.


Towards the middle of the election they were skewing HEAVY Obama vs other polls, then ended up more towards the middle.  I think... this thing is hard to understand.