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Wow people haven't any of you thought about where video games have started and what they have come to now days? First games were mostly stored on onboard memory banks (like ram in our computer), these continued to increase in size and finally cd's were introduced. Games where then stored on these, and later dvd's and ultimatly blu-rays. Now the digital age is starting to come in very slowly after flash memory can be made at a lower cost and better durability, and faster load times and such then disc's. Its the called media "transfer", and it is usually for our good. Think of it as a personal computer, video games have all followed in their footsteps. Our first computers did not have hard drives they had memory "cards" like the nintendo and ataris had. Then computers got disc media and the console slowly merged with that. Finally alot of them have now incorporated HD's and flash memory into their core storage and media liek todays computers. True our computers have kept most or all of these features today. But many features to are staring to be phased out like floppy media, zip drives, and also a start of mechanical hd's.