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makingmusic476 said:
lostintheodyssey said:
makingmusic476 said:
lostintheodyssey said:

All you have to do is look at history most people don't seem to act right unless they have the federal government breathing down their neck. 

How can you expect a government elected by and consisting of the people to be morally superior to the general public?  If a majority of the people don't want to act this way, then why are they electing officials that will force them to act this way?

Well if you have noticed most candidates don't give away where they stand on the issues until they get elected.  They take a middle of the road approach and they also switch positions on a issue sometime after getting elected.  When Lincoln got elected even though he didn't approve of slavery he said he would not end it he just wouldn't allow it to spread to the new territories.  After the civil war started due to south carolina trying to secede from the union he saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone by using the war to free the slaves.

But you asked a good question and it does happen.  In recent years polls have shown that most americans are in favor of legislation that prevents illegal immigration and terrorists from coming in to the country even if it discriminates against hispanics and people of arab descent.  Of course the federal government isn't going to pass any legislation that discriminates on those groups though.

Polls have recently came out saying that most americans approve of the immigration bill in arizona even though it has gotten a lot of opposition the majority seem to support it.  A few days ago Obama mentioned that discrimination shouldn't be considered acceptable when trying to capture illegal immigrants so go figure.


So you're saying that politicians lie to us to get elected?  And you're assuming that despite blatantly lying to us, they ultimately know what's good for us and thus the legislation they pass is necessary to keep the majority in line?

Is there any such thing as an honest politician?  I don't think they blatantly lie to us I think that they underplay what their position is.  I also think that once they really start to look in to something they change their position based on new findings.  Remember when Obama said that he would pull the troops out in Iraq within a year now he changed it to where they are staying longer before leaving.  He also said he would close guantanamo bay but he backed off of that.  He also said he would find a way to go through the budget line by line to find ways to save money but so far intially with the financial reform and potential healthcare reform he is increasing the deficit.

People said that they didn't want a bailout for the banks and didn't like it but he said it needed to be done and got it done despite it being unpopular.  The majority of people want healthcare reform but he is having a difficult time getting it passed.

I don't know if they are passing legislation to keep the majority in line.  I think that they make difficult decisions based on what they think the country needs but might not necessarily want at the time.  There are also times where they make decisions based on what the majority wants and needs. But the majority of time now a days unfortunately I think its just politics and they pass legislation based on the lobbyist groups and political partners.  It comes down to reward your friends and punish your enemies too many times when it comes to the government.