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badgenome said:

lostintheodyssey said:

You do know that polls can be manipulated to show anything that the user wants right? 

You do know that Gallup has a much greater interest in maintaining its own credibility than in carrying water for the tea party, right?

Hispanics are a larger minority than blacks they were estimated at 13.7% in 2003 and are probably over 15% now.  So you mean to tell me that the tea party has 13.7% of hispanics in the party and x amounts of asians, biracials etc I seriously doubt it. 

Okay, so you doubt it. So what?

So let's assume and it's a big assumption that they represent america demographically they won't win an election over a democrat unless the state is extremely conservative.  The tea party seems to be splitting the republican party up in to two factions those that are extremely to the right and those that are moderate. 

Really? They endorsed Scott Brown, who is quite the moderate, and he won in a state that is not extremely conservative.

The United States in the past 20 years has been either moderately to the left or moderately to the right and the Tea Party is too far to the right to be taken seriously on a national stage.  I doubt they will have a serious contender for the presidency in 2012 and I doubt they will win a senate seat.

Since the tea party is primarily an anti-big government, anti-debt group, I don't think you can pigeon hole them as being on the far right. Also, since it is not a political party in itself but rather a grassroots pressure group, I can guarantee you that they will win at least one Senate seat, insofar as candidates whom they've endorsed will win their elections.

Also why do you fear the feds and the expansion of the government I hear people say this all the time but they never give a reason for it?

Um... trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. An entitlement society that is basically a giant ponzi scheme. Its unwillingness to get a handle on immigration and border security, even after 9/11. Its inability to find its own ass with both hands and a map. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Iraq. How many reasons do you need? The federal government seems the perfect combination of arrogance and stupidity, with a large side order of evil.



1.  You do know it's stupid to just put all of your faith in one poll right?  You should be looking at statistics from many different places not just one.

2.  Ok I doubt it and after looking at polls from multiple other sites I was proven right you found one poll that highlighted the group in the best possible light.

3.  Lol Scott Brown of course they backed him in Massachusetts who else would they choose?  That's called picking the lesser of two evils for them they don't really support him they just didn't want a democrat to win since they saw how long Kennedy was in office.

4.  We will just have to wait and see who wins but I will let you in on a little secret no matter who they endorse or what side they choose they are going to increase the debt and government it's just going to happen going by the trend of the past 20+ years republican democrat it doesn't matter.

5.)  Well you know that the country had a surplus before the previous president screwed everything up right?  You also know that you have to spend money to make money right and that simply cutting services isn't going to miraculously fix this countries problems or even begin to make a scratch in it?  Things like healthcare reform and financial refrom will help the country in the long run people are just too impatient to wait for it.  On immigration yes I believe a better system should be set in place where immigrants can come in to the country become citizens, pay taxes etc.  Border Security is a waste of money no matter what the United States does immigrants will figure out a way to cross the border.

Even after 9/11 there hasn't been a major successful attack on the united states so I would say that the United States has done fine in terms of security.  Don't forget that even before 9/11 attacks like the oklahoma city bombing still happened so it would be stupid to think that the country would be free of threats.  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac happened under the previous administration and steps have been taken to make sure something like that doesn't happen again.

Iraq once again that was the previous administration we should have never went there but Bush dangled the 9/11 card in front of americans most americans fell for it like idiots.   Steps are said to be taking place so the troops can withdraw I will believe it when I see it though.