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badgenome said:
lostintheodyssey said:

You have more faith than me then. All you have to do is look at history most people don't seem to act right unless they have the federal government breathing down their neck.

Perhaps I have more faith in people than you do, but you have infinitely more faith in the federal government than I do. I'm not really inclined to go into a point by point response to your lengthy post, but suffice to say that I fear the feds (and the rapid expansion of the federal government) far more than I do some fringe-of-a-fringe-of-a-fringe group like the fucking Klan.

Also, this was posted earlier in the thread but maybe you missed it:

The tea party is pretty representative of America, demographically speaking. There are proportionately less blacks, but that is to be expected given their extremely high approval for Obama.

You do know that polls can be manipulated to show anything that the user wants right?  Hispanics are a larger minority than blacks they were estimated at 13.7% in 2003 and are probably over 15% now.  So you mean to tell me that the tea party has 13.7% of hispanics in the party and x amounts of asians, biracials etc I seriously doubt it.  So let's assume and it's a big assumption that they represent america demographically they won't win an election over a democrat unless the state is extremely conservative.  The tea party seems to be splitting the republican party up in to two factions those that are extremely to the right and those that are moderate.  The United States in the past 20 years has been either moderately to the left or moderately to the right and the Tea Party is too far to the right to be taken seriously on a national stage.  I doubt they will have a serious contender for the presidency in 2012 and I doubt they will win a senate seat.

Also why do you fear the feds and the expansion of the government I hear people say this all the time but they never give a reason for it?