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I admire the consistency of Rand Paul's pro-business anti-government views, and that he takes them all the way to their logical extreme: the Civil Rights Act gives the government too much power even though it's for a great cause, and that the federal government intervening with the oil spill instead of letting BP handle it themselves is "un-American." Even though I disagree completely with both points, I can understand where he's coming from.

But I am completely baffled by the fact that this guy, as a political candidate, doesn't realize that discussing those two points in interviews every day makes him pro-racism and pro-oil spills. He thinks that saying "but I'm not racist" 500 times during his interviews somehow defends his position that businesses should be allowed to turn blacks away.

If he's the best the Tea Party has, I welcome them with open arms. Other guys like Scott Brown are cool too, because even though he's anti-tax and anti-health care, he's pro-nude modeling and he's voting for the financial reform bill. Republicans have no idea who these Tea Party guys are, and they're going to be surprised by how batshit insane some of them are and how secretly moderate/liberal some of the other ones are.