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I found this El Pais article from the beginning of this month. It says that there is no official data from Nintendo, but gives LTDs for PS3 and 360. The fact that they mentioned that no official data was available from Nintendo suggests that the PS3 and 360 data is from Sony and Microsoft.

PS3 - 320,000

360 - 200,000

Usually I'd assume that manufacturer's figures are shipped, but I'm not so sure here. SCE Spain sometimes use GfK figures, when they last did at the beginning of October PS3 was on 218,000 and 360 was at 184,000. 16,000 in two months sounds reasonable for the 360, and 100,000 in two months immediately after the price drop/40Gb sounds plausible for the PS3. As mentioned above this much was sold in France in just the one month following.

Personally I think the PS3 is being over-tracked in Spain, and under-tracked in France, but that kind of cancels the error out in total European sales.

Spanish speakers feel free to translate:
