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huaxiong90 said:
mike_intellivision said:
huaxiong90 said:
Metallicube said:
Mint said:
Oh wow... the comments on the review. XD
Oh man, I haven't laughed this much in weeks.

"I have been gaming for a long time since i was 5 years old and i have never and will never play a nintendo game. their games are so freakin unrealistic. 360 makes real games where if you shoot someone blood comes out just like real life. that's why games that don't have blood suck. nintendo makes me sick"

"A perfect 10!?! Are you kidding me? It's E rated!!! I am a REAL gamer and I KNOW from experience that there are no good E rated games. There isn't even any blood in it! This game SUCKS BALLS!!!"


"WOW fan boy much. I mean they barely push any polygon freaking BS I mean some of the asteroids are like less than 30 polygons. I could MAYBE stretch a 8.5 to a 9 but seriously a 10 for the same old graphics. I mean in all seriousness this game could have been done in 1999 right after Half-life 1 using the half-life 1 engine."

"This game looks bad, I also hate the Wii."

"lol I love how this game gets an easier grading curve because it's a Wii game. A 10 huh? How cute. Now have fun at the kid's table."

And thats just the last 5 pages. XD

Haha, Blows my mind how utterly stupid some people are on the internet..

Like, do these people actually walk among us in real life?

I think most of them are like 12 year olds trying to be cool. I refuse to believe any adult would be so childish and stupid. I have to retain some faith in humanity.

Yes, yes, they do.


Fortunately, they're no older than 12 years old, as you say, so perhaps there's still time for them to mature. From my personal experience, I can list the games they rant on about 24/7 as being teh hardcorez, but it could offend some people here, and it's not good to stereotype communities anyway.

Internet article comments generally reflect the lack of cognitive abilities of the great unwashed (but logged on) masses.

Sometimes, I think people write things just to write them. Trolling is such an easy task when there is no accountability.

As for the review and other SMG2 reviews, the only demerits that I have seen some places give the game have to do with the fact that it is not new like it was the first time.  Other than being a sequel, this game seems to be pretty near perfect.  I pick my copy up in less than 18 hours.


Mike from Morgantown

That's true.


It does leave poor impressions of the HD twin fanbases though. I guess that's the closest thing we'll get for a judgement of their character.

That poor behavior is unfortunately nearly universal on the Internet. Look at any news or sports story where people can take sides and poke at their foes and it is done without mercy and usually without any thinking.

So while this instance appears to have been fueled by Wii-hatred or HD-twins-support, it is not unique.


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492