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Ssenkahdavic said:
@ils411, cool. shadow hearts was and is one of my favorite rpg's on the ps2. i agree nice to find other ppl who liked the game as well. i say play star ocean : the last hope international, then 3d dot game heroes and then folklore ( love that game too ). btw i sent u a friend invite the other day.

Good ol' Shadow Hearts.  I replayed 1 and 2 a few months ago.  Awesome games.  I really wonder what Midway did with the lisence when the sorta imploded (tho I doubt we will ever see another one ever).

A Dark Cloud HD would be awesome.  Level-5 needs to get one the ball (hell Id love to see another Rogue Galaxy type game, great battlesystem and one pretty game)

so, just curious, what do you guys think happend to yuri in covenant? did he die and just dream of the time he first met alice or did he go back in time? everyone else got their most desired wish and i personally think he did go back in time repeats everything over and over again.

i was disapointed when i found out that shadow hearts 3 had a new lead character. though the plot twist was quite un expected.