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Zucas said:
ironman said:


Zucas said:
Opa-Opa said:
Um the Tea Party adopted the whole grassroots, libertarian ideals from the Ron Paul campaign and twisted them into some Neo-conservative, dogamatic perversion.

Their followers are idiotic: as evident by their self-appointed leader, Sarah Palin.

For the most part, that's my opinion of the Tea Party haha.  Bunch of angry people that know nothing about the actual libertarianism. 

You agreed with what Opa stated, you therefore are saying the same thing. 

And that is where you are wrong and where I specifically pointed it out to you in an earlier point.  Here's EXACTLY what I said:

"For the most part, that's my opinion of the Tea Party haha."

Keyword for the most part.  I left that in because, I didn't agree with the way he worded it and the part about Sarah Palin.  That part was just silly.  In concept, imo, I think he is right that a lot of what the Tea Party is, is just the adopting and missusing some libertarian values for their own personal neo-conservatism platform. 

No where in there is it stating that they have copied the libertarian party, nowhere in there did I state I fully agree 100% of what opa said, and nowhere does it state that they were trying to copy the libertarian ideals to push that as their main platform.  Actually my second part of that stated how they didn't understand what actual libertarianism is, suggesting that I don't think these guys are libertarians.  In a weird way, I kinda agreed with what you were saying that these aren't libertrarians. 

Thank you, you proved my point. The tea partiers have NO affiliation with the libertarian party...none whatsoever, the ideals did not come from the libertarian party any more than from the Democratic party, and not once during this entire thread have you denounced what Opa said about Sarah Palin, you were just wasting my time trying to tell me you never said that the tea partiers were trying to copy Libertarians. IF you even bother to reply to this, practice what you preach first, go back and read our don't have a leg to stand on.


@ montana, Get off your high horse??? You tell me to shut up and that I'm annoying  and you have the audacity to tell ME to get off MY high horse as if you are better than me???, That seems rather hypocritical don't you think? And btw, this is a forum, in case you didn't know, a forum is a place where people do this little thing called talking. If you don't like it, then what are you doing here???

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!