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It's a combat racer aimed at teens. Teens like that "cool, rebellious" imagery.
It's likens itself to kart racers in gameplay and differentiates itself through style and tone.

The intent was pretty obvious.
The shields are up, and the psuedo-intellectual condescension is not doing a good job of hiding that fact.

Think about it.
Most kids and teens know what mario kart is. Be it the fact that their friends play it, it's owned by someone in their family, or they've heard about it online, or owned it in the past. The commercial offers a similar experience to mario kart, but different. The combat racer genre is underrepresented, and it's a shame that mario kart is really the only contemporary iteration. This commercial plays to that fact.

To respond to all the people remarking on how much better mario kart is, even if Mario kart, Super Mario, Zelda etc are the BEST games in their respective genres it's a shame if you only play those games. That's like never traveling outside the country you live in because you think it's the best.