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MontanaHatchet said:
ironman said:
Zucas said:
ironman said:

Dude, I'm not a tea partier, but I know enough about them to know that you are wrong. they are NOT a libertarian movement, and as such cannot be copying the libertarian party. the fact that even you, with political beliefs that so closely mimic those of the tea party movement, are throwing them under the bus, tells me that they have something going here. If no party really wants align themselves with this movement, then I think its a good movement for America. Flush out the weasels I say. 

Actually opa stated they "adopted libertarian ideals".  Nice how people see what they want to see.  But I understand as I've met many like you before.  Also remember, I said "for the most part, I agree" when dealing with what opa said.  Meaning you have no idea which parts I agreed with and which I didn't.  But I guess assumption is just as good right.

But no I throw them under the bus because they use my political beliefs as a way of political gain and whining... or at least how I personally perceive it.  Use my beliefs like an extra ace up the sleeve and I don't approve of it.  It's disrespectful to me and other libertarians.  Shouldn't have to sell my sould to the devil just for the sake of a bunch of paranoid people to make my beliefs mainstream.  But as I stated I'm a little biased on the situation. 

You stated that the tea party was trying to copy the libertarian party, they are not, if you cannot come to terms with that, then I'm sorry, but your party isn't mainstream enough for that. I said many in the tea parties have beliefs that closely RESEMBLE libertarian ideal. They are in no way trying to copy them. I suggest you get off your high horse and realize that libertarian ideals are not worth emulating since they are a fringe group with sometimes very radical views. The reason the tea parties exist is the existence of utter scum in Washington, nothing more. Seriously, you can't use your belies as a front for the fact that you are clueless when it comes to what this movement is all about. Let me say this again THE TEA PARTIES ARE IN NO WAY COPYING THE LIBERTARIAN MOVEMENT. So settle down.

Now that's comedy.

Personally, I don't find illiteracy all that funny but I'm sure there are some that get off on it.  But I will get off my high horse, as soon as someone teaches this man how to read.  I knew our education system was fucked up, but worse than I thought.