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Zucas said:
ironman said:
Kasz216 said:

They may be the real deal... they've already upset a few huge republicans in the primaries.  A couple like Bennett in Utah who did nothing but help their state.

Rand Paul won by a landslide... things are getting quite interesting.  If this keeps up, the current Republican head of Senate will be out of a job in 2 years.

It's scary to be a Neo-Con Republican these days... and from the embarrising way a lot of democrats are handling these Tea Party guys it shows they're pretty scared as well.



It's funny that you say this, because there is a good number of Democrats and independents that are tea partiers (or as some wise ass put it, "tea baggers") Contrare to popular belief, this movement transcends party lines, and people on both sides of the isle are running scared.


Zucas said:
Opa-Opa said:
Um the Tea Party adopted the whole grassroots, libertarian ideals from the Ron Paul campaign and twisted them into some Neo-conservative, dogamatic perversion.

Their followers are idiotic: as evident by their self-appointed leader, Sarah Palin.

For the most part, that's my opinion of the Tea Party haha.  Bunch of angry people that know nothing about the actual libertarianism.  Say most of them are just a bunch of sheep rahter than those that actually hold any idea principle above others. 

No, Try learning something about the movement before you spew this propaganda that has been spoon fed to you by the left wing media.

Here are a few clues, Sarah Palin is not a leader of the tea party movement by any means, not even self appointed, her ideals fall closely withing the range of the tea partiers and as such, she makes a great candidate for giving speeches, because like it or not, she knows how to get a crowd going. the tea party started before Ron Paul became mainstream, and originally has nothing to do with him. The movement started BEFORE Obama was elected, around the time George bush authorized the first set of bail outs. and really took off when Obama took the bail outs to a whole new level of insanity. The tea party movement is NOT a political party movement, it does not adhere to any party, and as such, the overall views of the tea partiers will differ from that of any party. 


@ Ninjaguydan did it ever occur to you that the other polls you listed may be left leaning? Or is that unconceivable despite the fact that Rassmusan polls have proven themselves to be the most accurate time and time again.

Well I apologize for generalizing your tea party so much.  There is a little bit of bias on my side due to me being a libertarian and not liking those people which I think are just a bunch of imitators.  Main point I'm trying to push out is this is politics.  Principles and ideas are nice when it comes to these things, but it's never just about that.  Never that black and white.  Like every other movement, they want something and they are playing politics to get it.

Dude, I'm not a tea partier, but I know enough about them to know that you are wrong. they are NOT a libertarian movement, and as such cannot be copying the libertarian party. the fact that even you, with political beliefs that so closely mimic those of the tea party movement, are throwing them under the bus, tells me that they have something going here. If no party really wants align themselves with this movement, then I think its a good movement for America. Flush out the weasels I say. 

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!