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Scans look great, and there's a longer list of info on gaf:

Just got my mag of Gamepro, and guess what I see.

Killzone 3 baby!

I'll take pictures of the screenshots later and post them and the information included in the article.

Included in the article (while im reading)

- Will show the Helghast have humanity left in them.

- Will have the feeling that "of being in a place far away from home, outnumbered by people who want to kill you."

- Will be like Inglorious Basterds.

- All of the characters in the screenshots are flying in.. jetpacks?!

- Will include arctic levels.

- One mission in the game involves rescuing ISA Captain Narville.

- Game is playable in 3D!

- Have to wear 3D glasses, apparently the 3D effects are "crazy."

- Combat is "unchanged from predecessor."

- Or is it? Hand to hand combat involves you "Unloading a string of different (and often brutal) attacks on stunned enemies."

- The scale is supposed to be "bigger this time."

- The Jetpacks are "surprisingly lightweight and agile, Killzone 3's jetpack is easier to maneuver compared to the sluggish incarnations of the gadget found in other games."

- New weapon called the Wasp, basically shoots a "flurry of rockets" at an enemy.

- Will show off the Helghast culture.

- There is actually a Helghast language, which will be explored in the game.

- Will have "diverse locales."

- Have to sit in the center of the 3D tv for the 3D effects to work.

- 3D in this game is called a "Game Changer."

- Going to have "Intense Action"

- Jetpacks double as a weapon, which basically means a machine gun mounted right on top of it.

- If you shoot Helghast with jetpacks, they'll "explode like roman candles"

- To control the jetpack, you "have to activate bursts of speed in midair, propelling yourself across further distances."

- The Jetpack resembles something you'd do in platformers such as Super Mario Bros. Or Uncharted

- In one mission, you have to use the jetpack by "launching yourself from glacier to glacier"

- You'll see "a lot of" snow levels.

- Everything is more spread out in this game.

- The game looks very complete.

These in particular:

- Will show the Helghast have humanity left in them.

- Will be like Inglorious Basterds.

- Will show off the Helghast culture.

- There is actually a Helghast language, which will be explored in the game.

- Will have "diverse locales."

...give me high hopes they'll have an interesting narrative this time and won't totally ignore the in-depth and rather interesting backstory they've built up on

And wow @ ocean base.