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The American economy is in a state of hurt with everything that's going on. You add that to the fact that bank side inflation is outrageous (which the government decided isn't worth tracking anymore... wonder why) and you have a lot of people here in the US cautious about that they buy. It's no surprise the Wii was a good sell. The price. And on the other hand, the PS3 isn't doing well for the same reason.

Also, I wouldn't put it past Microsoft or one of it's subsidiaries to pay people to hit up blog and forums posting nothing but bad news (or employees doing it in their off time?), or there are some really simple minded people spreading around completely irrelevant information about Sony and/or the Playstation brand trying to discredit them. The latter makes sense because of the price of the consoles. When you spend $300+ on a device that is in an exclusivity based market, you want your purchase to succeed so you have the biggest opportunity for games.

That's also why you get these people like eugene and macross digging up anything and everything said and twisting it to fit their own agenda.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

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