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Shit, only one game... Normally it's be a tie between The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and Half-Life 2.

I guess I'll say Half-Life 2 (notice that I'm including the Episodes as well, as I don't consider them fully different games).

The story, the atmosphere, the music, and most of all, the characters. Alyx Vance, Eli Vance, the Vortigaunts, Dr. Breen, and Barney. They are the top 5 game characters of all time, and they're all from HL2.

What really strikes me about HL2 is the story-telling. "Games" like Heavy Rain try to emulate movies. Games like HL2 realize that it is not the same medium, and the same methods don't work as well. It embraces video games for what they truly are. Not only that, but it creates a sci-fi narrative unrivaled outside of Ender's Game.

As far as I'm concerned, Half-Life 2 was the last "real" first-person shooter. Sure I think Crysis was nearly as good, but it didn't make me feel "warm and fuzzy inside".

Half-Life 2 seemed like a game that a lot of love went into. The devs poured love into it, and I poured love into it. No game has ever made me feel such raw emotion.

P.S. Alyx Vance is also uber-sexy. Just saying.