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Smidlee said:
dtewi said:
Smidlee said:
RolStoppable said:
Smidlee said:

I don't see how you can call Sony hypocrites since I have no doubt Sony actually did see motion controls as a gimmick. We know for a fact Sony did mess around with motion control during PS2 years. Sony had hope the "playstation" name itself would  overcome the expense of PS3. PS3 is Sony's best built console which had a top of the line Blu-ray unlike the average PS2 DVD player. Thus a hypocrite wouldn't put a lot of money into something they didn't think it would succeed.

Here is a good reason to call Sony hypocrites.

This was two years ago and this shows they were not hypocrites. They actually follow this path just as they described and lost their butts doing it. It's the same when the Big N finally dump the cartiage after losing to PS.

Hypocrisy is the act of persistently professing beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that are inconsistent with one's actions. 

Seems like Sony did that right there.

Would you STILL want to argue when you're so certainly wrong?

But that statement at the time is consistent with their actions and they had billions riding on it.

ECCI state that force feedback is a gimmick and not needed. They finally built a force feedback wheel because of Iracing laser scan tracks. ECCi were not hypocrites because they finally changed their minds.

 There is a saying "put your money where your mouth is." Sony did exact this and lost.

anything can be considered a gimmick. who's to say consoles them selvies arin't gimmick's? anything that needs to sell has a gimmick. it pull's you in. how else would this industry servive?