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You don't have to go around calling everyone who was disappointed in FFXIII a "hater." Don't confuse people who loved a game so much but are disappointed in the direction their (once) favorite series has taken as haters. I was let down from shear disappointment. I've played every FF in the main series and loved every single one of them until XII.

The formula changed and I'm not fond of it. When you remove key elements that made great RPGs ( OPEN WORLD EXPLORATION!!!) and have battle systems that run on auto pilot, it's not a role playing game. That is my opinion, irrelevant or not I have the right to it.

... so irrelevant it merited a response from you

If you want to argue more my wall is open. I don't want to come off as derailing this thread.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson