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IMO, I think your just about spot-on Bod. This is why we're seeing so many games go X360/PS3, rather than X360 exclusive, or all 3 major platforms outside of the normal EA-verything that's done.

Merely because developers would be stupid not to double or triple their investment by porting to PS3.

This is very good for the PS3, as it doesn't loose all of it's titles to switch to X360-only. However, it forces the PS3 to carry very, very, little exclusives.

Since the beginning of the generation, we've typically seen the pattern of:

X360 launch
X360 Exclusives (lots of them) announced
PS3 launch
PS3 exclusives (some) announced
PS3 software takes a nose dive in attach rates, sales
Bulk of PS2 library now X360/PS3
Few exclusives currently now announced for X360, new sequals to X360-exclusive IPs now multi-plat (SR2, LP2, ect).

And on the other hand, some just go straight to the Wii, and never look back (MH3).

However, I think the thing is, that the X360/PS3 multiplatform choice, for developers, is a good one. Having both platforms available for sales can really put the developers in a strong spot - X360 rules North America, PS3 rules Japan, and both do good in Europe.

Which IMO, this is a critical key to both systems overcoming Wii's great sales. Yes, the Wii is selling great, but the vast, vast, vast, vast majority of 3rd party succuess is either with the Xbox 360, or X360/PS3 multi-plats.

Which for devs, is what matters. If the environments of the X360-to-PS3 ports are justifiable in terms of time vs. money made, it'll keep the massive ammount of non-Wii Western games rolling in, forcing the Wii to lack a large section of titles, that it never had last gen, and doesn't have this gen.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.