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RolStoppable said:
Carl2291 said:
I don't see people being pissed off because it isn't just a PS3 exclusive.

I see people pissed off because games that were promised as PS3 exclusives, are no longer being exclusive.

That, and the 360 ports making PS3 owners have to wait EVEN LONGER for the damn game.

The only way for Square-Enix to truly redeem themselves after the FF XIII debacle is to perform public sudoku.

By the way, a 360 port actually shortens the development time of games. FF XIII was originally expected to be a possible 2008 release, just like Gran Turismo 5. Now which game launched already and which one is still in development? Yeah, thought so.

If your kidding than arguably that's trolling.  If you are serious, than your just completely wrong, no release date or release window was set for GT5 until December 2009. "expected" release dates by users on internet forums or articles on the internet do not count for squat.