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Someone Tell Sony Fanboys That Final Fantasy Is Not Their Series


Recent news has stopping making the rounds that the much hyped Final Fantasy XIII Versus may turn into a multi-platform title. This is all fine and good and honestly nothing more than a rumor at this point. But you wouldn't know that by the reactions of the Sony Fanboys infesting the interwebs.

If you based anything on their collective response, you'd be led to believe that Square Enix is led by chimpanzees smoking cigars and flinging their own crap.

Just a few short weeks ago, their tone was slowly shifting from angry to happy as if the blind had suddenly gained sight by making a Final Fantasy exclusive for the PS3. Sadly the sky has begun to start falling down on them again. But is it even that serious? Does it all really matter? Multi-platform games come out everyday that are great. Better yet, do the Sony fanboys know that Final Fantasy isn't even theirs?

If we lower ourselves for a moment (yes I get the irony of the site name) and use pure fanboy logic here, we would assume that the hardware company who had the franchise first keeps it. Well in that case, it's Nintendo's. Wait for the collective gasp of the ignorant. Somehow it's continually ignored that Final Fantasy had a comfy home on the Nintendo and Super Nintendo. But why did Square jump ship? "For superior hardware!", screams the Sony fanboys. Well not really kids. Sony bribed Square with open hardware. "LIES!", come a yell from the back of the Sony fanboys. Sony allowed Square to access features on the hardware other third-party publishers could not (RAM, etc.). This is common practice in the business. The publishers can make a better game and build their brand so that.... they can sell more games.

So if one company allows a publisher/developer to access special features on hardware as a bribe, is that any different that money? No. And that's what this all comes down to. While the focus here is on Final Fantasy and Sony fanboys, it applies to all kinds of franchises, companies, and fanboys.

Sony fans should stop screaming that Square suddenly sucks just because they've gone multi-platform. Especially since it's only because it's a direct competitor. I didn't hear these fanboys complaining when Final Fantasy hit the Wonder Swan.


This is what I have seen today & this is a good response to the ridiculous claims being made in the multiplat thread.