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geddesmond2 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
geddesmond2 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
geddesmond2 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Oh no YOU are fooling yourself. So your telling me that after the port was announced in 2008 they CHANGED the entire game & made it linear in the 1 years 6 months they had to release it for the Japan release? Puh-lease

Again thats how the game was planned, you didn't like it, fine tough luck but its not xbox 360's fault, get over it.

Oh my god I'm shocked that you actually think they only started working on a 360 version of the game after they announced it. OK if the game wasn't sacrificed for the Xbox 360 version of the game then explain to me why the first 2 disks of the 360 version contain only story chapters and no missions or freedom what so ever and you can't go back to an of those areas. You explain to me those things there and maybe I'll stop fooling myself as you put it.

I'm, not god, I don't know.

The devs clearly though it would be boring to let you back track when those chapters were a straight line. I know I would be bored to do that. I'd like an option to play each chapter again in New Game + mode but I would hate to backtrack.

Now you give me concrete evidence on how "Xbox 360 ruined FF13", by concrete evidence I mean a source. 

Any response to this post without concrete evidence will be seen as an admittance of defeat.

I can't believe I'm going back and fourth with someone whos first FF game was probably FF10. Anyway your last bit of that post was just a very childish comment. But seen as you must have missed this a few months back I'll post the link again.

I've been playing FF games for over 12 years and I know what a FF games is. FF13 was not a FF game and if FFV13 goes multiplat I will not be buying it because I know it will be just another linear piece of crap compared to the rest of the games in the series.

Oh and by the way, any response to this post without concrete evideance that FF13 wasn't sacrificed because of the 360 version will be seen as an admittance that you don't know shit about the FF series. There see how that works there.

First of all I have played every single FF except for FF1,2 & 5.

And I'm not gonna bother with the rest of your post because its basically unneeded attacks & a link which again doesn't prove xbox 360 did anything to the game.




You have no idea how much credibility you have lost with those things you said

Fine live in your own fantasy land geddesmond.

Oh there you go you didn't prove the game wasn't sacrificed meaning you just admitted you don't know anything about the FF series. I rest my case.  Wow I'm so glad you showed me that trick now I just owned you lol. See how childish that is.

I didn't say you never played other games in the series. I said your first FF game was probably 10. Theres a big differance there. So go on what was your first FF game?

Unneeded attacks? Wheres the attacks?

Kitase did say that they had to develop a new game engine to allow the game to run on the 360, it wasnt the matter of a simple port. this is what is thought to have delayed the games western release, orignally FF13 was planned to be similtaneous worldwide release. so its plausable that this meant that had to cut content from the final version to get the game out asap.

i do agree with multiplat for versus because apparently M$ paid for advertising and the development of FF13 for the 360, which would be good for versus. GT5, LBP2, Killzone 3, etc, will be enough to outsell M$ this year, versus wont make a huge difference in my opinion.