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huaxiong90 said:
jneul said:
Grimes said:
Rainbird said:
Grimes said:

Sony has to take some blame for trotting these games out at E3 and other shows pretending like they are exclusives when they have no contract.

Why would they need a contract to say a game is exclusive? If they have been promised that a game will be exclusive, why shouldn't they present it as such?

Because it's not exclusive unless there is a contract. Promises mean squat in the business world. Sony knows this better than anyone.

oh please Ms does this more than Sony, come on get real and stop trolling, and on that note incoming bombshell i hear splinter cell may be even more likelty to come to the ps3, so 1 less x360 exclusive to count:):)

*Sigh* jneul, no offense, but that's just sensitivity at its finest.


He's basically saying third party exclusives are a dying breed, unless there's a contract in place. He said Sony knows this better than anyone else due to what they've done in the PS1 times as well as their loss of FFXIII's and Tekken 6's exclusivity. This isn't the PS2 era, multiplat is where the money's at.


And to be honest, SC:C going multiplat won't brew shitstorm like what FFXIII or Bungie's deal did. That's just grasping at straws.


I'm not saying this because I'm an Xbox 360 fan (I prefer PsWii over it, though that's another story), but we have to be honest here.

ok fair enough but to be honest ff vs does not cause problems for me as long as the quality in the game stays the same = win for all

it's the future of handheld


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